Concrete Resurfacing Case Studies

If you want to replace your old concrete, SEMCO engineers have an easier solution than demolishing and re-pouring a new slab. Using our Remodel Without Removal system, our surface technicians can install X-Bond Microcement straight over old materials without the need for their removal. Achieve the concrete look you love, with a more efficient (and less messy!) application.

X-Bond is a thin, cement-based coating mixed with strong polymer bonding agents to ensure long-lasting adhesion to your existing concrete. At 1/8” thick, it has no significant alteration to load-bearing capacity or surface depth too.

Here are three X-Bond case studies, where SEMCO undertook concrete resurfacing with microcement.

concrete resurfacing with microcement

Ulysses S. Grant High School

At this high school, asbestos was present in areas of the 18,000 sq ft. of magnesite concrete flooring and staircases — definitely not suitable as a substrate for public traffic.

Removing asbestos-laced materials risks dispersing it into the air, and in this case also posed serious structural problems. The architect needed a new surface that could be applied to both strengthen the magnesite and completely neutralise the effects of the asbestos.

What material could meet the demand for a safe remodel and stabilise a weakened substrate? Enter X-Bond Microcement.

Our engineers applied X-Bond as a topical surface hardener and encapsulation system, bypassing costly and hazardous asbestos remediation while actually increasing the psi of the magnesite.

Coming in at $40 million under budget thanks in part to the cost-effective X-Bond installation process, the project was a huge success.

Esperanza Resort

Cabo San Lucas is known for luxury. At the Esperanza resort, guest suites were in need of a refresh to keep up with the Auberge Resorts Collection high-end reputation. Existing concrete surfaces were cracked and damaged, leading to constant leaks and repairs — not to mention becoming an eyesore.

As the resort is located on the beach in an area prone to heavy rain, effective waterproofing was a must. Also important was a quick, quiet installation process as there would be guests in nearby rooms during the project (and a celebrity wedding meaning the project deadline was 4 weeks).

X-Bond was specified as it met all the practical and aesthetic standards of a luxury hotel: a durable surface that withstands all climates and traffic with a beautiful, seamless finish.

It was also one of the only materials that could be installed throughout ten rooms on a tight four week deadline with little noise or mess — applied straight over the old concrete without need of machinery.

Parker Residence

For a client who was an interior designer and mid-century furniture collector, existing concrete didn’t live to expectations in regards to functionality.

Why did they need to resurface the concrete? Well, applied as small tiles, the porous grout had separated and become stained. They were also moving as the building settled (only two years after being installed!) resulting in uneven flooring. In addition to the flooring, one of the showers kept leaking.

Wanting to avoid relocating during a long and messy remodel, they chose to install X-Bond Microcement straight over the existing flooring. This way clients didn’t have to move out of home, and the whole install took only eight working days. Best of all, X-Bond has no grout to attract stain or dirt.

With X-Bond, the shower issue took just 10 hours to solve. Existing surfaces (including glass) were re-sealed with our Liquid Membrane™, an innovative waterproofing membrane that can just be brushed over old leaky materials to fix any ineffective waterproof measures from the past. Then, we resurfaced with X-Bond Microcement.


Where Can You Install Microcement?


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